Entspannung im Demänovska-Tal beginnt

Wellness Bystrina

Treten Sie in unserem Wellness ein und genießen Sie einfach nicht nur in der Dampfsauna, sondern auch infrasauna, Finnischer Sauna und Kräutersauna. Die Allergiker bevorzugen die die Roman Dampfsauna, weil die Luft nicht mitNaturöl belüftet ist. Der Vorteil unserer finnischen Sauna ist ein attraktiver Saunaofen, der automatisch befeuchtet das Raum bei Lavasteinentragung aus dem Bereich des Ofens in einen Kupferkessel mit Wasser, wodurch eine stabile Luftfeuchtigkeit sichergestellt ist. Diejenigen, die keine hohen Temperaturen vertragen können, genießen die infrasauna, die belastet nicht das Körper und sehr angenehm ist.
Kalter Pool – die schönste Prozedur für Sauna Gourmet. Wenn Sie eine mildere Form der Kühlung bevorzugen, empfehlen wir den Eiskübel oder unsere Duschen – Dusche mit Lichttherapie, Massagedusche oder Turbodusche.
Warme Liegestühlen oder Tepidarium sind die beste Weise, um einen Aufenthalt in Wellness beenden.
Während ihres Aufenthalts in unserem Wellness können Sie verschiedene Arten von Massagen bestellen – Sportmassage, Entspannungsmassage, Hot Stone Massage oder Schröpfmassage.

Preisliste Wellness
3 Stunden Eintritt / Person | 22,00€ |
jede zweite Stunde / Person hat begonnen | 8,00€ |
Leihgebühr Bademantel / Person | 5,00€ |
Möglichkeit zum Kauf eines Passes oder Geschenkgutscheins
Preisliste der Massagen
Klassische Ganzkörpermassage | 60 min | 40,00€ |
Teilkörpermassage nach Wahl | 30 min | 25,00€ |
Sportmassage | 30 min | 25,00€ |
Schröpfen | 40 min | 35,00€ |
Banking + klassische Massage | 60 min | 45,00€ |
Rückenmassage und Nähen mit Lavasteinen | 30 min | 30,00€ |
Hot Stone Massage Ganzkörpermassage | 90 min | 55,00€ |
Anti-Stress-Kopfmassage | 30 min | 25,00€ |
Anti-Stress-Kopf- und Rückenmassage | 60 min | 40,00€ |
– Buchung von Massagen im Voraus
– Kinder unter 15 Jahren haben keinen Zutritt zum Wellnessbereich
– Das Betreten von Badeanzügen oder anderen Kleidungsstücken ist in den Wellnessbereichen verboten
The goal of the visiting rules is to achieve the maximum e ect of treatments on the human body and to ensure the safety of all the wellness visitors. Every visitor is obliged to acquaint themselves with these wellness visiting rules and regulations and obey them. By purchasing the ticket visitor accepts the visiting rules and its provisions become mandatory for the visitor.
Entry to wellness
1. Entry to the wellness is permitted only during opening hours with valid ticket and chip bracelet. Visitor is obliged to pass the chip bracelet when leaving. In case of chip bracelet loss or damage visitor must pay 5,00 €. The entrance price involves sheet and towel. Opening hours are 15:00-21: 00 (opening hours are subject to alternations). Entry into the sauna world is a single entry, up to 3 hours, if that time is exceeded, the visitor is obliged to pay the surcharge.
2. We reserve the right to close Wellness Centre during opening hours for private groups (group booking). During this time, the wellness center is closed for public.
3. Lost or used tickets will not be refunded.
4. For clothes changing the dressing rooms are available with sanitary facilities (toilets, showers).Clothes and shoes should be kept in the lockers that are located in the dressing room.
5. The visitor has full responsibility for the locking their locker in which personal items, clothing and footwear are stored. In case visitor is interested, they can save their valuables in the safe, which is available at the wellness recepction.
6. In wellness premises visitor’s body is covered only with the sheet. Personal belongings are stored in the lockers during the whole time the visitor stays in the wellness space. Before the visitor enters the wellness premises their entire body has to be washed with soap thoroughly showered and wiped. Entry with bikini, swimming suit or other clothing is prohibited.
7. In case of any suggestions and complaints the visitor should contact the sta member that is on duty
8. First aid provides the employee on duty.
9. Visitors are obliged to follow the guidelines of sta members that are on duty.
10. Visitors are required to maintain the wellness premises clean and tidy.
11. Vital World is a common area for men and women, and child visitation, respectively minors under 15 is prohibited.
12. Vital World is an oasis of sensory organs heat, sound, smell, etc., Therefore visitors are required to the preserve the peace, silence and keep quiet as much as possible.
13. In wellness premises no glass jars, bottles and the like are allowed.
14. Before entering the wellness world of water, heat, sound and scent leave your worries and problems at the door – Please come in!
Prohibition of entry to the vital world
1. Stay in various areas of our wellness, which basically consists of hot, cold, water and rest areas is only for healthy persons.
2. People who su er from vascular and heart diseases are prohibited to wellness premises, resp. must be aware of the possibility of detrimental e ect on the body and their intended visit to our premises should be consulted with their personal physician. Every visitor to the vital world must realize that they enter the premises at their own risk!
3. To the wellness premises are also prohibited persons su ering from symptoms of acute illness, especially airway inflammation, fever, cough, fever, diarrheal diseases, headache, malaise, further festering or bloody wounds and the like.
4. Furthermore wellness premises are prohibited for persons su ering from infectious diseases, vectors or to persons who can get into contact with infectious disease (family members are infected with infectious disease,…)
5. Access to areas of vital world is strictly forbidden to those who show signs of alcohol consumption and to dirty people.
6. Entrance to wellness may be denied to persons who, despite warning exhibit aggressive and uncontrollable behavior violating the provisions of the visiting rules and do not comply with hygiene and safety and their behavior is inconsistent with ethical and social principles.
7. Entry of animals is banned wellness.
8. In the area of the wellness center is a ban on drinking and eating. Smoking is not allowed in wellness as well.
1. The visitor is obliged to behave in the wellness premises in such a way that no damage or impair to wellness properties is done.
2. A visitor is obliged to pay any damage caused by their actions.
3. Parents or accompanying persons over 15 are fully responsible for the behavior of the children and in case of violation of visiting rules or wellness sta members instructions, the operator is not responsible for possible accident or injury.
4. Operator is not responsible for any damage, injury or accidents caused by carelessness or failure to observation of these visiting rules or wellness sta members‘ instructions.
5. Damage caused by the wellness visitors will be enforced under the applicable laws of the Slovak Republic.
Recommended process of vital world visit
1. In all saunas of our wellness the visitor sits only on the sheet.
2. In sauna visitor should breathe through the mouth, because the high temperatures and dry air dries the mucous membranes and can cause headaches.
3. Wellness visitors behave appropriately, do not talk loudly and take into account other visitors.
4. Stay in the vital world is recommended to start at the steam saunas where the temperature reaches max. 55°C at the 100% humidity. Information about the temperature, humidity and the recommended length of stay is located at the information table at the entrance to each sauna. The end of wellness stay should include the classic hot sauna.
5. After each warm or hot body procedure take advantage of cooling in power shower, summer rain or cooling tub.
6. From health perspective the total stay in the relaxation center should not exceed 2-3 hours, whichever crucial it is the individual condition of each visitor.
7. Any accident, injury, incident that happens in areas of Vital world must be reported to wellness stu on duty to ensure the necessary treatment, respectively medical attention.
Vital world – the nature and method of use
When using di erent procedures of vital world we recommend a gradual loading of the organism, i.e., stay in the steam sauna, then a hot sauna and then relax. Between procedures it is recommended to cool the body and make 5-10 minute break for body regeneration.
1 / Hot dry sauna – it is derived from a traditional Finnish sauna with a temperature range of
95-98 ° C. Relative humidity ranges from 45 – 50%. Recommended length of stay is 15 – 20 minutes with repetition of 2-3 times in a row. After body overheating it has to be cooled down and gentle relaxation is recommended. It is important not to underestimate your abilities and take into conside- ration the individual state of visitor’s health. The attraction of our hot sauna is its sauna heater that automatically humidifies the area carrying the lava rock from the oven space into a copper kettle with water. The automatic process ensures stable humidity of the area.
2 / Ice Bucket – is part of the cooling compartment with cooling pool, and is used to cool the body by weaker form. The volume of water is about 12 liters with temperature 8-12 °C.
3 / Cooling pool – is the cooling space after heat and hot procedure. Cooling of the body should occur by slowly coming in to the pool. For more courageous and bold ones, by jumping into cold water. Cooling the body by shock therapy is often seen as the culmination of cooling the body and for sauna “gourmets” it is the most beautiful procedure. Please do not underestimate your abilities and never cool down alone. Water temperature ranges from 8 °C to 12 °C.
4 / Steam sauna – Menthol inhalation – the temperature in sauna is between 45-55 ° C, relative humidity is 100%. The air is equilibrated with natural oil of peppermint or menthol. This procedure purifies upper respiratory tract. Recommended stay in is 15 minutes. The capacity is 6 people..
5 / Infra sauna – is a mild procedure overheating of the body and is suitable for those wrong in laying
high temperature. Deep heat stimulates muscles and organs that result is due to sweating. Increased body temperature ensures blood circulation. Infrared sauna is very nice and does not excessively organism. Body surface temperature, maximum 2 mm below the skin is 40 ° – 42 ° C, humidity of the room air is in the range 42-45 ° C. Stay in a cabin in the recommended duration of 15-20 min. with double repetition.
6 / Roman steam room – temperature in the sauna is between 42-44 ° C and relative humidity is 100%. The air is not being saturated with natural oil which is appreciated by allergy su erers. Procedure purifies upper respiratory tract. Recommended stay in this area is 20 minutes. There is possibility of double repetition.
7 / Herbal inhalation – is derived from the Finnish sauna with temperature range 45 – 60 ° C. The relative humidity is between 55-60%. The space is evaporated by natural flavors of chamomile and
jasmine.Recommended length of stay is up to 25 minutes.
8 / Drinking fountain – during your stay in the vital world it is important to keep the fluid intake. Refreshing by drinking water is essential to and during three-hour stay you should drink at least four times.advantage of cooling in power shower, summer rain or cooling tub.
9 / Whirlpool – for every person there are hydro-massage jets available with aeration and at the bottom with central air geyser. The operation of the pool is fully automatic with water temperature of 34 – 36 ° C. Within 20 minutes there will be enough blood circulation in your body.
10 / Kneipp bath – four monolithic little pools with technology of automatic water refilling and drainig. Hot water is aerated. The di erence in water temperature 15-36 °C makes the procedure unique to the blood circulation of our feet. Massage stones massage the feet thoroughly. During the procedure walking the length of 5-8 minutes is recommended, while in a little pool you should remain about half a minute.
11 / Shower with light therapy – automatic shower with large shower head. Illuminated splash water is a pleasant relaxation. Water temperature is adjustable in two heat levels. There is a choice of lukewarm and hot water. Running water starts by contactless button.
12 / Massage shower – is a popular procedure for body blood circulation with water temperature of your choice.
13 / Turbo shower – a modern e ective form of cooling the body.
14 / Warm chairs – we recommend them in final stage of your stay. Sit back, relax on heated chairs,
close your eyes and let yourself be carried away.
15 / Tepidarium – classic relaxing warm bath with heated beds, which is to form the very end of your stay more pleasant.cooling tub.