Get up in the mornings, pull on your skying boots and hit the mountains!
Enjoy the convenience of the lift to Chopok literally on your doorstep.
Imagine a holiday where you can put on your skying boots or on your doorstep and go skying straight off. Pension Janík Jasná is a accommodation located on Biela Put in popular resort Jasna in Low Tatras. It is an ideal place for relaxation in both winter and summer season. Ski room, bicycle storageroom, lounge and mini children paly area are available for guests as well. Breakfast and dinner is served right in the pension.
Stay Packages Pension Janík
Come and enjoy the magic of the mountains and enjoy pleasant moments of relaxation and active rest in Pension Janík, located in a quiet environment amidst nature at the end of the Demänovská valley.
Room offer
Double and triple bedroom
Double and triple bedroom
4 – bed apartment
4 – bed apartment
Pension Janík Jasná
Ján Špirec
Demänovská Dolina 310
031 01 Demänovská Dolina
Telefón recepcia: +421 44 5548 163
Mobil recepcia: +421 903 533 971
IČO: 41 643 801
IČ DPH: SK 1075 538 728
Okresný úrad Liptovský Mikuláš, odbor živnostenského podnikania, živnostenský register č. 540-12073